Proposed Means of Compliance with Light-UAS.2511 MOC Light-UAS.2511-01 – Issue 01

EASA has received several applications for design verification projects (DVP) focused on enhanced containment.
In the frame of EASA DVPs, SC Light UAS is utilized as design verification basis and, for enhanced containment, Light-UAS 2511 (b) applies:
Light-UAS.2511 Containment
(b) When the risk associated with the adjacent areas on ground or adjacent airspace is significantly higher than the risk associated with the operational volume including the ground buffer:
(1) the probability of leaving the operational volume must be demonstrated to be acceptable with respect to the risk posed by a loss of containment;
(2) no single failure of the UAS or of any external system supporting the operation must lead to its operation outside the ground risk buffer; and
(3) software and airborne electronic hardware whose development error(s) could directly lead to operations outside the ground risk buffer must be developed to a standard or methodology accepted by the Agency.
Several of these applications leverage flight termination as method to avoid breach in adjacent areas. For this reason the need has been identified to establish a means of compliance to Light-UAS.2511 purely based on a flight termination system (FTS). An FTS is by its nature an emergency measure, which is not intended as a standard contingency measure. Its triggering should not be assumed to lead to a crash within the operational volume.
However, if the probability of exit from the ground buffer ensures that the overarching quantitative target level of safety (TLOS) is still met in adjacent areas, an FTS should be considered an acceptable means3 to demonstrate compliance with Light-UAS 2511
EASA has therefore decided to define a means of compliance focused on the adoption of an FTS, and has opted for public consultation of such means of compliance, due to its generic nature. The MoC is presented together with 2 methods for the determination of the allowed maximum population density in adjacent areas. The
consultation refers also to these methods.
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