U.S. UAS Airspace Integration Stumbling Blocks

U.S. UAS Airspace Integration Stumbling Blocks


1. Empirical knowledge has taken a backseat to self-aggrandizing.

2. FAA is not using the scientific method

3. Manned interests “feelings” (AOPA, ALPA, HAI)

4. DOD vendors pushing their products and agenda.

5. Not cooperating with the European airspace integration effort

6. Not recognizing the rest of the world’s work (as the FAA mantra has always been the U.S. is leading the way.)

7. Domestic advocacy groups will not work with European groups. In spite of the fact, the European groups are years ahead of them.

8. Domestic advocacy groups don’t have the community in mind. Executive committees call the shots, and the members appear to come up short.

9. No one hold the FAA accountable for the dysfunction

10. The community believes someone else is acting in their best interest.

11. The notion that common sense will prevail in FAA rulemaking.

12. Private “public” rulemaking process.

13. The notion that it is all about safety

*If the DOD vendors don’t want you on the UAS ARC, you don’t get on the UAS ARC. If they don’t like what you write in the standards groups, they rewrite it. If you don’t like what they write they dismiss it. I know, I’ve been through it. Anyone (folks with scruples) who doesn’t go along with the disenfranchisement program (advocates for small business and the public) is marginalized.


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Patrick Egan

Editor in Field, sUAS News Americas Desk | Patrick Egan is the editor of the Americas Desk at sUAS News and host and Executive Producer of the sUAS News Podcast Series, Drone TV and the Small Unmanned Systems Business Exposition. Experience in the field includes assignments with the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command Battle Lab investigating solutions on future warfare research projects. Instructor for LTA (Lighter Than Air) ISR systems deployment teams for an OSD, U.S. Special Operations Command, Special Surveillance Project. Built and operated commercial RPA prior to 2007 FAA policy clarification. On the airspace integration side, he serves as director of special programs for the RCAPA (Remote Control Aerial Photography Association).