Terry Heinricks is taking photography to new heights

Terry Heinricks is taking photography to new heights


by  Caitlin Clow – Terrace Standard

Loud buzzing sounds have been heard over Terrace lately, but it’s nothing to worry about—it’s just Terry Heinricks’ drone.

Heinricks recently purchased a Phantom Drone to get a new perspective on the city and take some photographs from new vantage points.

Terry and his wife Shannon have been having some fun with the $1,300 purchase that they made online and Shannon said that this technology is definitely an investment.

“It’s more than just a toy,” she said, “it can be used for some incredible things.”

Terry explained that drones, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, are easy to fly and the on-board 14 megapixel camera sends a live feed via Wi-Fi to either a smart phone or tablet can be used in a variety of useful ways.

“Search and rescue teams could use them to check things out if it is unsafe for them to enter,” she said.

Drones could change the way people work and not only in the military but for commercial businesses as well.

For instance, Langara College’s journalism school in Vancouver has been using UAVs since January. Instructor Ethan Baron has been teaching students how to use drones for news gathering. These devices could be especially useful when reporting on wars or in other unsafe conditions.

“Media outlets around the world have just begun using drones to gather news, and these aircrafts will play a crucial role in news coverage in the future,” Baron explained on the school’s website.

Terry explained that his drone has been attracting some attention from spectators around Terrace, but people are more curious than upset.

However, drones can cause quite the distraction. The couple was flying the drone over the old steel bridge while watching the live feed on their iPad when they noticed a man driving a convertible who was focused more on the aircraft than on the road.

“It has about 25 minutes of flying time,” Terry said as he was snapping photographs of the cityscape from the old Co-op parking lot.

