SEAD Artists – Spray / Seeding / Surveillance through data to help agriculture and the environment

SEAD Artists – Spray / Seeding / Surveillance through data to help agriculture and the environment

Drones have often be touted at the solution for agriculture and generating the data needed to verify and validate their effectiveness, but the industry has become jaded as they’ve seen these claims before.

SEAD Artists is different. Here’s why.

We offer innovation, partnership, a can-do attitude and an end-to-end solution that brings together specialists to solve your problems not offering a product.

– We understand aviation (to get over the regualtory barriers to fly far away) that will allow you to scale, all using drones

– Pre-Intervention (surveillance, imagery)

– Intervention (spraying, cropping, seeding)

– Verificaiton and Validation ( remote monitoring, airborne validation)

Our first project is supporting Carbon Negative aviation, using drones to support peatland restoration with support from DEFRA. We are also engaging with Agri-Food and multiple other use cases needed in this area.
