Fly in the Ointment AI

Fly in the Ointment AI

ChatGPT Query: Write me an article about the USA drone airspace integration effort in the style of Patrick Egan

The United States is making significant strides in integrating drones into its national airspace, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and its partners in industry and academia.

At the heart of this effort is the FAA’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration Pilot Program (IPP), which was launched in 2018 to test and evaluate new technologies and operational concepts that will enable safe and efficient integration of drones into the national airspace.

The IPP brings together a diverse group of partners, including state and local governments, universities, and private companies, to conduct real-world testing of a wide range of drone operations, from package delivery to precision agriculture to infrastructure inspections.

One of the key components of the IPP is the development of a comprehensive set of regulations and guidelines for drone operations, which will ensure the safety of all airspace users and the public. The FAA has been working closely with industry stakeholders to establish these rules, which will take into account the unique capabilities and limitations of drones, as well as the potential risks and benefits of different types of operations.

Another important aspect of the IPP is the development of advanced technologies and systems that will enable drones to safely share the skies with manned aircraft. This includes the development of sense-and-avoid systems, which allow drones to detect and avoid other aircraft, as well as advanced communications and navigation systems that will enable drones to fly beyond the line of sight of their operators.

One of the most promising areas of research in this regard is the use of cellular networks and other wireless technologies to connect drones to the internet and to other aircraft, which will greatly expand the capabilities and flexibility of drones.

The FAA is also working closely with its partners to establish procedures and protocols for the safe integration of drones into the national airspace, including the development of a robust system for tracking and identifying drones, as well as procedures for responding to security and safety incidents involving drones.

Overall, the FAA’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program is making significant progress in advancing the safe integration of drones into the national airspace, and it is clear that drones will play an increasingly important role in our society in the years to come.

As the FAA and its partners continue to develop and refine the technologies, regulations, and procedures that will enable the safe integration of drones into the national airspace, we can look forward to a future in which drones are a vital and ubiquitous part of our transportation and economic systems.

We all know that I wouldn’t write that, no snark, and way too charitable in not bringing up the warts and bumps we have seen in the last twenty-plus years. The ChatGPT did an excellent job of fusing the government and bag-holder canned goods.

At this point, AI may only serve to worsen the disinformation issues. Let’s see what happens next week.

@thedronedealer on Twitter

Patrick Egan

Editor in Field, sUAS News Americas Desk | Patrick Egan is the editor of the Americas Desk at sUAS News and host and Executive Producer of the sUAS News Podcast Series, Drone TV and the Small Unmanned Systems Business Exposition. Experience in the field includes assignments with the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command Battle Lab investigating solutions on future warfare research projects. Instructor for LTA (Lighter Than Air) ISR systems deployment teams for an OSD, U.S. Special Operations Command, Special Surveillance Project. Built and operated commercial RPA prior to 2007 FAA policy clarification. On the airspace integration side, he serves as director of special programs for the RCAPA (Remote Control Aerial Photography Association).