Project Heaviside Kitty Hawk

Project Heaviside Kitty Hawk

Ohh suits you sir (only some will get that) What a lovely looking thing! Project Heaviside has come out of hiding! The old aviation adage, of if it looks right comes to play here.

Now, I would like to try and fly Heaviside! A view of the cockpit would be very interesting. I would like to know how the operator handles the transition or if it is in reality fully fly by wire, the pilot just adding where they want it to go. Not really being in the feedback loop. Can you tell, I want one! If I look hard at the video, I don’t see a pilot onboard.

Nice one Chuck, it looks amazing. #VertiportAfrica is almost ready for you to fly in.

Project Heaviside is Kitty Hawk’s latest high-performance electric VTOL vehicle. It is designed to be fast, small and exceedingly quiet, taking advantage of new possibilities to free people from traffic.

The Heaviside vehicle is roughly 100 times quieter than a regular helicopter. Once in the air, the vehicle blends into the background noise of a city or suburb, barely discernible to the human ear. Heaviside can travel from San Jose to San Francisco in 15 minutes and uses less than half the energy of a car.

Fast, small, quiet — introducing Heaviside.

Project Heaviside

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Gary Mortimer

Founder and Editor of sUAS News | Gary Mortimer has been a commercial balloon pilot for 25 years and also flies full-size helicopters. Prior to that, he made tea and coffee in air traffic control towers across the UK as a member of the Royal Air Force.