Flyter seek investment

Flyter seek investment

The Russian technology startup Flyter officially announces the start of a campaign to search for an investor to make a prototype. Details on the project website:

Over the past month, the project team has designed a test bench, which is a full-size model of the PAC VTOL720-200 wing console with lifting motor groups. Earlier, we have already carried out tests of the efficiency of the lifting prop on a smaller model, and an application for an invention has been submitted for the method for positioning the lifting propellers. The efficiency of the lifting prop located under the structural elements we called the flyt-effect

Why is it important? The fact is that the location of the lifting props under the wing is not obvious, and for many people, the flyt-effect is an ardent scepticism.

The first thought among critics who are somewhat familiar with aviation is that the propeller under the wing will create a zone of reduced pressure, and thus the wing will create a negative lift. The second is that the wing will shade the lifting propellers, and therefore they will create much less thrust than if there were no wings over them.

To remove this scepticism, one should visually prove the effectiveness of lifting props in a full-scale experiment. How will we do this? A full-size stand will be built for this and a series of experiments will be conducted:

• determined free prop thrust;

• defined thrust props located on the pylons under the beam-spar;

• determined thrust props located on pylons under the wing console.

What will it give? As a result of the experiments, it will be possible to reliably show the effectiveness of the selected scheme for the location of the lifting propellers. Moreover, efficiency will be shown in relation to a specific aircraft, since the props and the wing console will fit it. And since otherwise we are building an ordinary aircraft with a canard layout, then the risks of the project will immediately become much lower.

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