UAV Academy Assistance for EuroUSC customers

We were very disappointed to hear that EuroUSC no longer have NQE status so are unable to complete the training for any of their customers. I completed my BNUC-s qualification and gained my Permission through them in early 21013 and several of us, at The UAV Academy have worked for EuroUSC in the past. It is very sad that an organisation which was so instrumental in creating the unmanned aviation industry here in the UK and elsewhere around the world has not evolved and adapted to survive in what is now a fiecely competitive training market.
We do not have a magic wand I’m afraid and cannot give our training services away. However, we are able to give some help to anyone who has started their training with EuroUSC and is looking for a way to complete to the point of gaining their PfCO. There are of course several possible scenarios which I will set out below and explain what your options are with The UAV Academy. I know that several other NQEs will be doing what they can to help, so please decide which option is the best for you. We see our relationship with our customers as being a long term one I would like to assure anyone considering their options that customer service is an absolute priority for us. Take a look at this testimonials page if you want some idea of what our customers think.
You are realistically unlikely to be refunded by EuroUSC. However, if you paid by credit card you have a reasonable chance of being able to recover your money, so you should immediately contact your credit card company. I believe that some banks offer protection to payments made by debit card, so you should check with your bank to see whether they can help.
Scenario 1 – You have paid the complete BNUC-s course but have not attended Ground School
If you can supply us with evidence that you have paid for the BNUC-s course, we will apply a 20% discount to our Full Course price of £950 (ex VAT). This means that for £760 + VAT you are back on track and can book to attend one of our Ground Schools and then complete the whole course and gain your PfCO. Full details about our course are here.
Scenario 2 – You have paid for the full BNUC-s course, have completed the Ground School and passed the theory exam
If you can supply us with evidence that you have paid for the full BNUC-s course and let us have a copy of your Theory Certificate from EuroUSC, we will apply a 20% discount to the EuroUSC price for Part 2, which was £350. So the net cost for you to complete the course will be £280 + VAT. For this we will give you receive the following:
- We will review your Operations Manual, give you feedback and ultimately approve it
- Conduct your Flight Operations Assessment at one of 7 locations around the UK
- We issue you with a non-expiring Qualification photo-ID Card
- We will check and submit your application for a PfCO to the CAA
- We include (and let you have a copy) of our Recommendation to the CAA that they issue you with a PfCO
Scenario 3 – You have paid for BNUC-s Part 1, have completed Ground School and passed the theory exam, but have not paid for your Part 2
You let us have a copy of your Theory Certificate from EuroUSC and we will then complete your course leading to a PfCO for the same price as you would have paid to EuroUSC, i.e. £350 + VAT. For this we will give you receive the following:
- We will review your Operations Manual, give you feedback and ultimately approve it
- Conduct your Flight Operations Assessment at one of 7 locations around the UK
- We issue you with a non-expiring Qualification photo-ID Card
- We will check and submit your application for a PfCO to the CAA
- We include (and let you have a copy) of our Recommendation to the CAA that they issue you with a PfCO
Scenario 4 – You are a BNUC-s qualified pilot and want to change to our non-expiring CDP-C™ qualification
Firstly, it is important for you to understand there is technically no need for you to do this. Your BNUC-s qualification is sufficient evidence of your competence so far as the CAA is concerned. You will be able to renew your Permissions directly with the CAA, and all you will need to do to support this is supply an up-to-date Operations Manual and a scan of your pilot(s) log book(s) to demonstrate more than 2 hours flight time in the previous three months.
If you decide that despite this you would like to switch to our CDP-C™ qualification then you will have to attend and pass a Flight Operations Assessment for the class or classes of aircraft you wish to operate commercially. We will need to have a copy of your Operations Manual. On completion of the Flight Ops Assessment, we will issue you with a Qualification Photo-ID Card and a Certificate of Flight Competency. Our fee for this is £250 + VAT for each pilot per class of aircraft.
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