ALTI BASE systems, offering reduced cost and increased mission and performance flexibility to our clients.

Basically, pun intended, the ALTI Transition is now also available as a hardware only version, excluding avionics, communication links or payloads, but including the fully complete Transition platform plus propulsion hardware, VTOL motors, speed controllers, servos, mechanical parts, fuel system with the fixed wing combustion engine as well (or an all electric option) everything required as a complete flying aircraft, ready for installation and integration of preferred 3rd party or custom avionics, coms and payloads.

Many clients have and use existing avionics, coms and payloads systems, which they are familiar with and trust, but don’t have an aircraft platform that offers the VTOL capability, endurance and performance of the ALTI Transition, an ALTI BASE system provides an affordable, open platform for existing avionics, payloads and communication equipment, while gaining the many advantaged the Transition offers over other available unmanned aircraft. Simply put, there is no other hybrid unmanned VTOL system available on the market that offers the performance, endurance and affordability of the ALTI Transition.

The fully complete ALTI Transition version, with autopilot, power management and more is of course still available and remains our premier product offering, with feedback from clients over the last few weeks, and our desire to provide them with available solutions that work, we’re excited about the potential that the BASE systems will bring.

For more information and pricing please contact us at

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