DRONE VOLT deploys the SPRAY HORNET for the eradication of the Asian hornet

DRONE VOLT deploys the SPRAY HORNET for the eradication of the Asian hornet


DRONE VOLT, manufacturer and French leader in civilian drones for professional applications, launches, in collaboration with an expert in the fight against the Asian hornet, drone SPRAY© HORNET by DRONE VOLT. This drone is designed to locate and destroy the Asian hornet nests or other dangerous nests of wasps, with the least possible harm to the environment thanks to an extremely precise spray technology.

A drone to help control the spread of the Asian Hornet

It came from China. The Asian Hornet or “vespa velutina” whose venom has a Class II Toxicity level, is present on about three-quarters of the country of France, including in Paris. It is dangerous for the ecosystem because it devours many insects including bees, essential in their role as pollinators. Faced with the continuing invasion and spreading of this species, DRONE VOLT developed, in collaboration with Etienne Roumailhac, manager of LGF France, a drone with a unique spray system. The SPRAY© HORNET by DRONE VOLT is equipped with a tilting aerosol jet that allows the user to aim the spray at the central part of the nest where the insects are located.

A drone, developed as a result of the alliance of two experts

From a young age, Etienne Roumailhac has been a Beekeeper and a true nature and insect lover. Based in the Landes, he has sought an alternative to the traditional methods of dealing with the Asian hornet, with as little negative environmental impact and with products that have no sulfur. His expertise combined with that of DRONE VOLT produced the SPRAY © HORNET by DRONE VOLT.

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