Buzz your drones over to registration, recommends FAA

Buzz your drones over to registration, recommends FAA

Heft that beribboned package!

Does it weigh less than 55 pounds? Does it perhaps have the mass and dimensions to be a hobby drone?

Get ready to register that new toy if it does turn out to be a small, unmanned aircraft system weighing between half a pound (250 grams) – and 55 lbs (25 kgs).

In other words, what the FAA likes to call sUAS.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), scampering to prepare for flocks of drones expected to be unwrapped next month over the holidays, on Monday released a list of recommendations for how to better monitor recreational use of the machines.

Under the proposal, most drone owners would have to register the machines with the federal government, which would place the information in a national database in what would be the first time for such requirements.

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