Lady Justice DJI Phantom rescued

‘Let’s put this in perspective,’ Bailey said. ‘He ran a helicopter into county property. It’s no different than if someone hit the courthouse with their car. We took a report. We’re done.’

After a week of back-and-forth, the dust-up ended unceremoniously.

The helicopter was finally saved Saturday morning from the arms of Lady Justice by volunteer brothers Bart and Doug Hooper, who hung out a window with a long pole.

Fortunately for Cline, he was able to keep his sense of humor all along.

‘All things considered,’ he told the Marion Star, ‘this is pretty funny.’

Cline said he was fearful he’d lose the equipment so integral to his photography business, so he ordered a new drone before he knew the first would come down.

Now, he says, he has two.

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Well done the men with sticks! I still prefer this rescue effort from the UK.

The DJI Phantom is beginning to get a bit of a name for flyaways, perhaps not its fault. The low price is allowing many people to jump on the almost professional aerial photography bandwagon. DJI stated they were selling in excess of 8000 Phantoms a month earlier this year.

One thing is certain this story that surfaced last week is beginning to grow legs and I see it reported all over the world.

It is highly likely that the sales of this one type of multirotor in the USA already out number FAA predictions for civilian UA in the NAS by 2020.

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Gary Mortimer

Founder and Editor of sUAS News | Gary Mortimer has been a commercial balloon pilot for 25 years and also flies full-size helicopters. Prior to that, he made tea and coffee in air traffic control towers across the UK as a member of the Royal Air Force.