Atom Drones Disinfectant Spraying at Nizammudin Dargah

Atom Drones Disinfectant Spraying at Nizammudin Dargah

Disinfection was carried out at Nizammuddin Dargah through Drone by Delhi based Drone Startup company (Atom Drones) India’s hot spot of corona i.e. Nizamuddin Markaz was being sprayed with disinfectant through Drone by Atom Drones (subsidiary of Atom Aviation).

India is fighting and Govt of India along with various state govt is working hard to mitigate the serious impact of deadly corona virus. A well known Delhi based startup company i.e . Atom Aviation carried out disinfection spraying by ultra sophisticated disinfectant drone in entire area of Markaz . The area was densely populated and there was very little space for drone to maneuver . The streets were extremely narrow and filled with lot of stuff all over.

“We are working with state government and SDMC to spray disinfectant across all hot spots of Delhi . Many State Govt have also approached us for carrying out drone spraying . We cover around 5 Sq Km area every day by single drone .We are disinfecting all public areas , religious places, metro station etc. We are working on doing disinfectant spraying by Helicopter ” Archit Gupta , Founder Atom Aviation. Govt Efforts

Over the past few days, the Indian government has been piloting ways to incorporate drones into their response to Coronavirus. These initial experiments may serve as a model for other countries looking to respond to the current health crisis. Longer term, they can provide lessons for how public and private health systems can incorporate drone technology into their planning to mitigate future pandemics.

Atom Drones originally designed to spray pesticides for agricultural applications . But now as the requirement grown, drones were modified in less than 24 hours for spraying out disinfecting chemicals.


(Coronavirus is mainly transmitted via respiratory droplets and can also spread by touching contaminated surfaces. Disinfectant spray helps reduce these transmission mechanisms.)

“Compared with hand spray, drone spray has many advantages in terms of efficiency, consistency,” Archit Gupta, founder of Atom Drone company .Depending on the application, drone spray can be hundred times more efficient than people spraying.

To ensure the safety of aerial disinfection operations, Atom Drones jointly works with local authorities and make sure that all efforts were conducted in a safe and scientific manner.

We urge the Govt to kindly provide PPE kit for all the workers who are on front line of defense and counter corona teams.

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