Outback Challenge – Medical Rescue

Outback Challenge – Medical Rescue

The next Outback Challenge task has been released. To take place in 2020 the next edition seems to include a second robot. One taken there by a flying one.

This is going to be amazing!

Not only do competitors have to fly 20 km to reach Outback Joe, injured in his barn but they have to enable communications links for voice and vision over that distance.

The Outback Challenge is the most complex drone competition in the world and has probably advanced the industry more than any other.

UAV Challenge – Medical Rescue is the new competition for adults, from industry professionals to university students to UAV enthusiasts. It continues on from Outback Rescue and Medical Express and sees Outback Joe in the worst trouble yet!

  • Outback Joe has been in a serious farming accident and is incapacitated. He is inside a large farm shed.
  • There is no communication coverage to Joe’s location so a co-worker has gone to contact emergency services.
  • Teams must use unmanned aircraft to fly to Joe’s remote location to establish communications and send back situational awareness information.
  • They must provide two-way voice communications between the first aider helping Joe and emergency services.
  • They must transmit high-resolution images or video from inside the building, showing Joe, to enable the emergency services to prepare while they are traveling to the location.
  • They must establish a two-way audio channel between Joe and his rescuers.
  • The aircraft must fly more than 20km to reach Joe and any robot that enters the building must weigh less than 2kg.
  • Medical Rescue runs on a two-year cycle and the next flying event will be in September/October 2020.

UAV Challenge

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