RAS Security Group introduces private sector firms to Counter Drone (C-UAS) technology
Using a proprietary technology, a team of drone technical experts was able to intercept potential drone threats with a 100 % success rate. This technology sets itself apart from competitors by taking control away from offending pilots and either returning the drone to its launch point or landing them quickly and safely in a predesignated area. A team of drone pilots conducting offensive manoeuvres presented a variety of security scenarios including one in which an authorized drone remained unaffected while offending drones
were marshalled to a secure location. The final scenario was a recreation of an incident at a major US sporting event. The particular scenario involved an incoming swarm of four drones which were then electronically intercepted and redirected within seconds. In every case, offending drones were safely landed in a predesignated secure zone.
For more information on how drone detection and mitigation can support your business please contact RAS Security Group visit
Learn how they provide sporting venues, theme parks, airports, entertainment studios, hotels, casinos and technology startups with modern, technologically sound approaches to physical airspace security. To hear Ryan Schonfeld and Senior Aviation Analyst Jeff Parisse discuss the latest trends and observations in security and the counter drone industry, listen to the sUAS News PodCast (10/25/18) at
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