UAV Drone Flight Services Establishes Benchmark in Customer Service & Cloud Delivery

UAV Drone Flight Services Establishes Benchmark in Customer Service & Cloud Delivery

ConnexiCore is now using best practices and processes to establish a Benchmark for their UAV Drone Flight Services platform to increase overall efficiency, lower costs, empower their drone flight crews to do their best work without wasting time and to scale to meet clients’ increasing demand. The ConnexiCore Drone Flight Services Platform includes a Benchmark in Cloud Delivery and Customer Service.

Project Management:

ConnexiCore focuses on Customer Requirements. This includes getting the right information and communicating well. In order, to provide the best service, expectations need to be understood. If there is not a match, then the job is declined. During the initial due diligence, the team reviews legal status, use of validated airspace map, necessary permissions, permits, licenses, insurance needs and the most cost-effective way to achieve the best results.

Operations Planning:

Once expectations, timing, and necessary resources are reviewed, planning moves forward. This key step ensures the crews operate as efficiently as possible.

Evaluate Airspace:

ConnexiCore uses a validated air-space map to verify the location of the project. Upon review, it may be necessary to apply for a waiver from the FAA. If the project requires flying over private property, then special permission is acquired. Scheduling can be altered due to the timeliness of permission requirements.

Create a Flight Area:

Depending on the size of the flight area, the ConnexiCore Cloud platform creates the flight area for their crew so they know exactly where they need to go.

Marking Points of Interest:

ConnexiCore Flight Crews know all key points of interest including rally points, potential take-off areas, where they need to fly and all data collection requirements. All Points of Interest and Records are reviewed prior to the activity. This removes any guesswork in the field.

Other Scheduling Considerations:

ConnexiCore reviews the map to determine if blocking off public access is required. It will be determined if crew needs escort or supervision.  Screenshots of the flight plan are shared with the customer and contingency planning accommodates inclement weather.

Execution of the Flight:

On the day of the flight, the validated drone airspace map is checked one additional time. We are prepared to deal with temporary flight restrictions. Oftentimes, we can work through problem areas with the regulators.

Finalizing the Project:

As soon as the ConnexiCore Team finishes the project the flight is immediately logged, including both what the humans did and what the aircraft did. These two data points become the System of Record.

ConnexiCore logs flights to maintain credentials of their pilots. This enables a record to indicate any training requirements or be prepared for any audits. This is a Standard Operating Procedure. The process of tracking Pilot hours is important in maintaining standards of professionalism and credibility of the pilots. Delivery is the key to Customer Satisfaction. ConnexiCore Drones capture enormous amounts of data quickly and efficiently. We package the data for our customers in a way that highlights the goal of our flight objectives. Often-times, raw data to be interpreted to make it usable for the customer. Secondly, regulations and airspace considerations for a specific location always need to be considered. Areas around airports require special care and attention. Regulatory authorization is always important, especially as it applies to different categories of airspace. ConnexiCore includes regulatory considerations as part of their final product.

Contact or 1-800-874-9640 Ext 703 for more information.
