Drone in a TFR if you have $100,000 to spend or penchant for confined spaces

Drone in a TFR if you have $100,000 to spend or penchant for confined spaces

All drone operators in the USA would do well to read Jonathan Rupprecht’s latest missive, I will be sure to ask him all about it on Tuesday 21:00 GMT on our YouTube channel.

Depending on the type of TFR, you can get punished in three different ways for a TFR violation: (1) you can be criminally punished up to a maximum of 1 year in federal prison and a $100,000 fine, (2) you can have your pilot license suspended or revoked, and/or (3) receive a civil penalty by itself or on top of the $100,000 fine.

Sometimes you can get charged with multiple violations for one flight. For example, a pilot operating under Part 91 can be charged with violating 14 CFR 91.103 which requires him to conduct a pre-flight check of all available information before a flight.  Likewise, the remote pilot of a drone would be required by 107.49 to be familiar with the airspace prior to flight.

The Part 61 pilot in this case got charged with a violation of 91.103 & 91.137 for the same flight by the FAA. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Why? There were only two options: either he did NOT check for TFRs (a violation of the FARs) or he did check and intentionally went into the TFR (a violation of federal criminal code).

Read the full article over at Jonathan’s website.

