Transform Aerial Photographs Into Realistic 3D City Models for Use in ArcGIS

Transform Aerial Photographs Into Realistic 3D City Models for Use in ArcGIS

Computer vision and photogrammetry technology have advanced to a point which enables the creation of 3D city models that are kilometres in size with centimetre accuracy. With ContextCapture, you’ll see how terabytes of photos can be converted into realistic 3D models and then consumed in Esri’s ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online.

With its flexibility, scalability, and high performance, ContextCapture has become the standard solution for reality modelling at the scale of entire cities and territories.

In this webinar, you will learn

  • How simple it is to create accurate, high-quality city-scale models.
  • How easily you can make this data accessible to both internal and external stakeholders, even within a web browser.
  • How you can reliably use these models within ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online workflows.

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