Shark-seeking drones see better than the human eye

Aleisha Orr

Aircraft better known as spy equipment could eventually fly over Perth beaches to monitor sharks.

A company that builds and operates drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, has made a proposal to the Department of Fisheries to operate aerial shark patrols.

Managing director of Perth based company Cyber Technology Chris Mounkley said UAVs could cover more area than helicopters, would be safer and could be done cheaper.

The number of aerial shark patrols along Perth beaches leading up to this summer has been increased since last year and the state government has been trying to find ways of reducing the risk of shark attacks following a spate af fatal attacks off Perth beaches.


The company’s UAVs are already used by police, the military and in the resources sector for surveying but Mr Mounkley said their capabilities would be well suited to shark patrols.
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