ETV kicks off innovative Public Safety studies

ETV kicks off innovative Public Safety studies


Alamogordo, NM Emerging Technology Ventures Inc. continues to work with the NASA UTM System, focusing efforts on Public Safety resource development, with an overall goal of mitigating human loss in times of tragedy. The UTM is a NASA collaborative project to safely enable Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations in low altitude airspace across the United States. ETV is committed to establishing an interface control document (ICD) for Public Safety Systems (PSS) and the UTM, developing these technologies throughout their upcoming research studies and alpha testing in Roswell, New Mexico.

During this initial testing phase, ETV coordinated with police and fire departments, first responders, public officials and subject matter experts to develop the Concept of Operations and identify potential solutions in merging with the current UTM interface, as it relates to these entities. The team worked on Friday, February 26th in Roswell, NM with the local Sheriff’s office, where ETV was also able to establish relevant Use Case documents to help further the program goals.  As the project progresses, ETV will be inviting additional Public Safety entities to the discussion table to ensure the technology will match a variety of specific needs for emergency response.

This phase represents step one of a three step research and development process to evaluate the current ICD and PSS UTM client interface. Specifically, ETV hopes to continue to identify and protect the infrastructure of any PSS future partner or user and ensure that accurate field relevant use case scenarios are developed and understood.

“We really see being on the ground floor of the NASA UTM collaborative project as a key step in our future releases of integrated command and control systems and architecture. We believe in helping to develop that framework that it will benefit all of our cluster members and small businesses and speed their market transition technologies,” said Cliff Hudson, CEO ETV.

The team also collected data to support and identify future risks that may impact any small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) operating under the UTM. This phase represents step one of a three step research and development process to evaluate the current ICD and PSS UTM client interface. Specifically, ETV hopes to identify and protect the infrastructure of any PSS future partner or user and ensure that accurate field relevant use case scenarios are developed and understood.

“This is another critical step in achieving one of our key thrusts for the SBA-funded Autonomous and Unmanned Systems Cluster (AUSC). We set out to make sure that every project we work on and the platforms we develop help to not only make lives easier, but to save human lives in the field of use and provide market access for our AUSC members. Though costly, replacing a UAS platform is a reasonable risk. Replacing a loss of human capital is not,” said Hudson, on the importance of their continued research and program development.

“We greatly look forward to the increased participation of the public safety stakeholders, including the organizations developing solutions, the people using those solutions to protect lives, and the constituents who rely on those solutions deployed in emergency response. These are the only groups that can really drive that Public Safety aspect of the UTM project, as they need the system to behave in particular ways for their disaster and emergency response capabilities,” said Hudson.

NASA’s development and demonstration of technologies for the UTM system will take place during four Technology Capability Level (TCL) activities. ETV will support the UTM TCL 2 build cycle in 2016 by supporting the development of the UTM interface for public safety operations and conducting experiments with the public safety community to validate interface designs. Public safety organizations across southeastern New Mexico have been enlisted to support the development and evaluation of this project as it relates to policing, fire-fighting, and emergency response operations that would benefit from the employment of UAS utilizing the UTM system.

Previously, ETV was selected to develop and operate one of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) regional clusters, a national initiative focused on providing resources and capacity specifically for small business and entrepreneurial development in key networks and regions. This achievement enables ETV to be identified as an innovative business with unique resources available through the AUSC cluster, as well as opportunities for further recruitment of similar high tech focused businesses and partners.

About Emerging Technology Ventures:

ETV, headquartered in Alamogordo, New Mexico with operations in Roswell, New Mexico is a woman-owned small business focused on the development of integrated, cross-domain unmanned systems solutions. The AUSC is a U.S. Small Business Administration supported Regional Innovation Cluster focused on the start-up and growth of small business

For more information about ETV please visit
