Post Crash Management A course for small Commercial UAS Operations

Post Crash Management  A course for small Commercial UAS Operations


AV8 have created a cost effective course with small UAS commercial operators in mind.

We have all written the requirements in our operations manuals and created the checklists required. We’ve even heard about it on courses during our qualification periods”

This course aims to deliver you into a final ‘real world’ scenario based on commercial operations. To educate the risks and highlight mitigations.

The aim is to provide operators with the knowledge requirement and necessary actions that will aid in a better conclusion of your ‘Just in Case’ occurrence.

The day long course will include:

  • Site Safety
  • First Aid Requirements
  • Emergency Services and Assistance Requirements
  • Communications
  • Site Access
  • Evidence Preservation and Gathering
  • Types of Reporting

We believe it is essential for awareness and skills that commercial operators have a provision for this type of course and training. Seeking to enhance operator’s drills and skills alongside knowledge of ‘best practice’ developed with years of experience. We want to show the world that small commercial UAS operations are doing the most they can to ‘be prepared’ for the ‘Just in case’”

The course is only a small part of the offering from AV8, with advice on Safety Management Systems, Operations Manuals, Risk Management and Mitigation already part of the growing portfolio.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch for more details.

We Innovate, UAV8”

For more details contact:

Michael Davidson