TEKEVER drone tracks lava flow at Pico do Fogo volcano capturing dazzling images

TEKEVER drone tracks lava flow at Pico do Fogo volcano capturing dazzling images

Cape Verde_termic images

TEKEVER Group has joined forces with Cape Verdean authorities during the volcanic eruption at island of Fogo (Cape Verde) by tracking the lava flow and monitoring magma temperature;

TEKEVER drone captured dazzling images of the powerful volcanic eruption at Pico do Fogo volcano on the island of Fogo;

The TEKEVER team flew to the Island of Fire, in Cape Verde, to monitor the lava stream of the volcano that began erupting last November. In an action to support Cape Verdean authorities, the company used drones to make the first aerial images of the damage caused by the volcano. The TEKEVER drones captured images in high definition and with thermal imaging cameras. With this information, the Cape Verdean authorities identified the lava river that flowed below the magma already solidified and was, thus far, invisible to the surface. For one week, TEKEVER conducted missions throughout the day and night, using equipment such as the AR4 Light Ray, TEKEVER’s own creation.
