Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flying in Carrington


By Sarah Heinrich

Unmanned aircraft systems are the all the buzz in the flight world.

But, there isn’t much known about these new devices taking off.
North Dakota is one of only a few test sights in the nation…putting drones to work in the sky.
Ag Reporter Sarah Heinrich takes you to Carrington where some of the first of it’s kind research is being done.

KXNet.com – Bismarck/Minot/Williston/Dickinson-KXNEWS,ND
New aircraft are heading into the sky…but here the pilot stays on the ground.

(Jakee Stoltz / UND US Operator) “It’s so new. The technology is kinda exciting. There are all a little bit better.

North Dakota State University and the University of North Dakota are often rivals, but they are teaming up to test these drone.

(Blaine G. Schatz / Director) “Carrington was selected because of the diversity of the research program that we have. Within NDSU’s experiment station we basically work with all crops grown in the state of North Dakota and the other factor besides those crops, we also have the livestock research program. Which was significant addition to the opportunities.”

NDSU is working to determine how the pictures that are taken can benefit the ag industry.

(Blaine G. Schatz / Director) “The basis of this project is proof of concept. We know we can gather images but what do those images mean for the farmer. Do those images that are gather, the data we get from those images the same that we see on the ground. We are basically ground proofing the images that are captured by the air frames.”

While the UND Flight team is studying the actual aircraft.

(Chris Theisen / UND) “For UND and the Northern Plain UAS test site we are doing aeronautical research on how to actually integrate the UAS into the national airspace system. That includes everything from how the UAS operates, pros and cons of the system. The battery life, how long is the battery frame itself. Landings, how does it take off and recover?”

The drones have taken off roughly 8 different times this summer.

Depending on the weather…another flight might be scheduled to leave the ground this fall.

The FAA has test sights across the nation to help integrate UAS into the current system.

Alaska pairs with Oregon and Hawaii to create a test sight.

Nevada, Texas, Virginia and New York are also participating in the study.

