New online UAS market & careers short course

New online UAS market & careers short course


In response to a flood of interest and enquiries about UAS Careers (thanks to Mr Pirker), Unmanned Experts® (UMEX) have released the ‘UAS Market & Careers Short Course’ in their e-learning model. UMEX is proud to offer the 2.5 hours of online training at the (ridiculous) price of $45 just to spread the word and get more people into the UAS community.

For access, free lectures and more e-learning courses, log in for free at

This 2-lecture module gives a review of the current and near future UAS Job Market and is designed for those wanting to move into the unmanned field as a career starter (or even a career change). The UAS Market Brief begins by reviewing the ‘received wisdom’ of where the UAS Global market, in sales and jobs, appears to be heading, as well as the ‘reality-check’ of factors that will help or hinder that progress.

The following UAS Careers Brief covers the main routes into a UAS job, as either operator or maintainer, both from a training & certification perspective through to career entry-requirements, likely wages and job commitments. The lectures are in webinar-format, and you will have an instructor and career UAS professional just an email or IM away! Come on… start the move into UAS today!

Unmanned Experts LLC is an organization founded by experienced unmanned aircraft professionals and consultants for the purpose of providing advice, training and personnel to the rapidly expanding field of civil and public-use unmanned systems. Should you have any questions about the program then please contact us via our website at or by phone at +1 334 578 2900.

Keven Gambold