Ventura County is seeking an economic lift from unmanned aircraft

Quite clever of AV to change the wording from Police to Rescue on the side of the Qube…. (ed)

To CSU Channel Islands academic administrator Karen Carey, the prospect of Ventura County becoming a hub for the production of unmanned aerial vehicles for civilian use means that her students could find themselves in the scientific vanguard.

“It’s a new way of gathering data,” she said. “It’s going to be the future. It’s going to be what they’re doing for the rest of their lives.”

To Ventura County Sheriff Geoff Dean, the prospect of equipping deputies with flying robots carrying a camera means that police work would become safer.

“In the Christopher Dorner case up in Big Bear, it would have been great to have one of those up there and not have those two deputies lose their lives,” he said.

To Grant Marcus of the Occupy Ventura movement, the idea of having unmanned vehicles roaming Ventura County’s airspace could mean the end of personal privacy as we know it.

“It will be used first on Ventura County residents,” he wrote in a blog posting last week. “Drones will fly overhead and report how many times you made love to your wife this week, what you ate for dinner and what magazines you read, preying on you silently and spotlessly from thousands of feet above.”
