A few more Outback Challenge D2 videos

A few more Outback Challenge D2 videos

I will post more videos as the teams start putting them on Youtube. Once the UAV Challenge organisers have released the results of the Deliverable 2 Go/No-Go round, the links to these videos will become that team’s pages, so watch this space.






DGX Team





If your video isn’t on my list yet, please contact me on tiaan@suasnews.com and we’ll get it sorted.

Tiaan Roux

CIO, sUAS News | "My interest in UAS began in 2006 in the Masai Mara, Kenya where I was working as a bush pilot and met Gary Mortimer. I have always loved computers, maps, aerial photos and any kind of flying thing so the UAS addiction quickly took hold. Since then my interest in these technologies has grown from just an interest to building and flying small UAS as well as getting involved with sUAS News."